Bozeman Lacrosse Board of Directors
The Bozeman Lacrosse board of directors is responsible for the management of the high school lacrosse programs for the Bozeman Area.
The board meets monthly (typically the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm). Interested parties may attend and/or present at board meetings by contacting the board secretary Written questions to the board may be emailed to for discussion.
If you have questions about the Board of Directors, and/or the process for becoming a board member, please contact the board secretary at and someone will reach out to you.
Please note: the board of directors is not involved in coaching decisions. We hire coaches to provide the best program possible for our players. We support our coaches and feel it is very important to allow them to make their decisions without board influence. We understand that due to the competitive nature of the game, coaching decisions may often result in unhappy players. If questions arise regarding coaching decisions please first discuss the issues with the coach. If there are reasons this is not possible, or you feel the issue is something more appropriate for a board discussion, please contact to meet with the board or submit your question/concern to the board in writing.
Contact Us
Send payments, or general inquiries to:
3701 Trakker Trail Ste. 1B #302
Board Members:
President: Heather Fust president@
Vice-President: Please contact if you’re interested in this position!
Treasurer: Kevin Brown/Jennifer Kassity, treasurer@
Secretary: Tiffany Obie, secretary@
State Director to MHSLA: Rob Leder, staterep@
Girls Program Director: Chet Work, girlsprogram@
Boys Program Director: Jenn Dinges/Sean Kirsch, boysprogram@
Registrar: Sherri Nassar, registrar@
Fundraising: Beth Thorsen, fundraising@bozemanlacrosse.
Marketing & Social Media Coordinator: Kristi Gaines, social@
Fields/Facilities/Equipment Manager: Please contact if you’re interested in this position! Field questions please email
Other Important Contacts
Montana High School Lacrosse Association
The league managing boys and girls high school lacrosse in Montana. Responsible for scheduling games, setting league-specific rules, managing teams, and state tournaments.
President: Todd Thesing,
Montana Lacrosse Officials Association (MLOA)
The Montana Lacrosse Officials Association has the purpose to recruit, train, and retain qualified officials for sanctioned men’s, boys’, women’s, and girls’ lacrosse games or related events.
We provide education, training, and a positive environment for our officials. Our goal is to retain officials, grow the organization, and assist with the growth of the sport of lacrosse in Montana and the region.
President: Mike Muscatello,
Headwaters Youth Lacrosse